Brand Identity
in the summer of 2017 I formalized my efforts to cultivate St. Louis' reputation as an awesome place to start a business by starting Venture Supply - an annual design grant created to give St. Louis startups access to quality design resources they need to get a solid start in the world. To find the perfect company I reached out to all my best friends in the coworking world and they helped spread the word.
Jordan Mosley of Nebula Coworking put out the call and one of their newest tenants, Laura Vilines, applied for the grant on behalf of her fledgling nonprofit, the St. Louis Teacher Residency.
"At Nebula, I consider facilitating interactions and productivity a huge part of my job. I want our members to feel as connected to the community as they possibly can – that’s why they’re here! Lucky enough, they’re in St. Louis. There’s so many people doing cool, meaningful, interesting work here. I always jokingly say it’s a “small town” but there’s a lot happening right now, and everyone is so nice, so connections are pretty boundless. Nebula members hail from every background imaginable and the culture of coworking is that of collaboration and symbiosis; everyone here is eager to help each other however possible, whether that’s offering their own skills or services, or utilizing our community to get them in contact with the right people."
- Jordan Mosley, Community Manager
Mission Statement
The St. Louis Teacher Residency will serve as a model for high-quality teacher preparation in the region. Our teachers will become leaders in their schools and classrooms, effectively meeting the needs of the students and families that they serve. StLTR, and our program graduates, will play an integral role in eliminating the educational inequity that persists in the St. Louis region along economic and racial lines.
Key Descriptors
The he arc shape is borrowed from the top section of the St. Louis Arch - the keystone that holds the two sides of the structure together.
Each arc in the symbol is an equal in size and weight while the orientation and perspective of each is unique.
The inner group of three doubles in number to the outer ring of six.
Color Wheel
The colors in the logo are designed using the principles of a color wheel - the inner ring of three are the primary colors that create the outer ring of six secondary colors.
The colors are bright, playful and energetic.
Each color is unique but related.
"As an education non-profit, it can be difficult to differentiate our work from the many other
organizations working in this space. Our innovative approach to teacher education will
prepare teachers in a unique and effective way for a career in urban education. The designs that
David created for us allow us to convey this message to our many audiences: candidates, funders, and
school partners. The design also conveys a spirit of optimism about our work and the future of this
- Laura Vilines, Founder / Executive Director